The Bluelab EC Truncheon is the world’s most popular hand-held meter for testing the strength of nutrients in a solution. This handy slim long meter is just so easy to use you wont believe it. There are no buttons to turn the unit on or off, you simply immerse the probe end into the solution and it will automatically turn on and read the strength and then it displays the level with the flashing blue LED lights. The levels are displayed in 0.2 increments in even numbers, but if the reading is 0.3 for instance, it will flash between 0.2 and 0.4 to indicate the reading is 0.3 EC. The length of the Bluelab EC Truncheon also makes it a very handy tool for stirring your nutrient solution as you mix it and this clever little truncheon is fully water proof and requires no calibrating. It is recommended that you immerse the probe into your solution for at least 1 minute, for the probe to reach the same temperature as your solution before you take a reading.
Bluelab Truncheon Nutrient Meter features –