SB Plant Invigorator 500ML RTU



SB Plant Invigorator (SBPI) is an environmentally friendly Pesticide, Mildewcide and Foliar Feed for use on all edible and ornamental crops.
SB PI can be used by professional and amateur growers and gardeners worldwide. It helps to produce quality fruit, vegetables, flowers, bushes, shrubs and trees and controls a wide range of important pest species that include Whitefly, Aphid, Spider Mite, Mealybug, Scale and Psyllids. SBPI has a physical mode of action which is non-chemical and non-biological. If applied correctly pests will not become resistant to SBPI. There is no harvest interval after applying SBPI. The efficacy is excellent.
Non toxic
Suitable for use throughout the year
No harvest interval
Plant stimulant foliar feed for strong healthy growth
Controls plant pests including Whitefly, Aphid, Spider Mite and Mealybug
Pests will not become resistant
Can control mildew
Physical mode of action
Helps prevent chlorosis and improves leaf colour and vigour
Plant wash for a cleaner, shiny appearance
Excellent shelf life.


Full Product Description

SB Plant Invigorator 500ml ready to use spray